Monday, September 14, 2009

LeRoi's Toys

I began the painting "LeRoi's Toys" in the Spring of 2008, after my friend, Lisa, asked me to paint a special painting of army men for her fiance's birthday in October. Her fiance', LeRoi Moore, was the saxophone player for the Dave Matthews Band. He died that Summer 2008 and I finished the painting in his honor.


  1. Megan I just went to your web site and saw the new paintings! I love the Wyoming Mountain one ... and it is a mountain. Maybe I am psychic!

  2. Roi's birthday was September 7th, not in October. If you are going to use his name, mention the band, and what he did for a living, which brings views to your site, at least show him the respect of knowing in what month he was born. If he was your friend's 'fiance', all of that should be completely irrelevant.
